Team in Training Infomation Video

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 10th - Major Haircut!

As you can see, I got a haircut!! I donated 8 inches of my hair to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths. I had tried to prepare myself for it, but it was hard!! But I'm so glad I did it!

So the real reason for the blog: trip #2 to Queeny Park! Lee and I adventured into this crazy hilly trail again. We managed to make one minor wrong turn, but it didn't really change much. We went about 2.6 miles which felt like 4 miles. It was crazy. Lee says I did much better than last week which was great to hear! Maybe it's due to the 5 pounds I lost from cutting off my hair! Anyway, I felt pretty good through most of it until the last hill that just seems to ascend forever! It really took it out of me and I struggled to get back to the car. But it was a great workout; I was drenched as usual.

Thanks for reading! Leave a comment! What do you think of my running or anything?