Team in Training Infomation Video

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Aug. 11th

Multiple days to report:

Aug 9 - 5 min/0.25 mi warmup then 1 mile in 12:32
Aug 10 - 5 min/0.25 mi warmup then 1 mile in 12:56
Aug 11 - 2 min / 0.10 mi warmup then 1 mile in 12:33

I've been kinesiotaping my shins and so far, just from these workouts all on the treadmill, I haven't had any problems with my shin splints! Thank goodness! But with finals, I just don't have very much time to devote more than 15-20 minutes at a time. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. dont you just love our busy school sced! That is why this week I just do cross training and study while I do it haha. Quick mile here and there, but mainly just hit the bike, stairs, or eliptical to get some cardio in while not wasting my precious study time haha
